Signs & Shadows “It’s locked?” Strider hesitantly said returning from the inside of the shadowy shed. Her coat was so dark I could not tell where it ended and where the darkness of the shed began. “Locked? It doesn’t lock?” I gruffly responded while walking into the shed to find it was indeed locked. Maybe locked isn’t the right word, usually, you walk in and emerge back in Sanctuary. This time there was a wall as you would find in any normal shed. I walked out and Strider smirked at me playing with the flower we were sent to find, “I told you it was locked, Bailey.” I rolled my eyes and said, “Put the flower away before you destroy it, they don’t grow everywhere you know.” Strider’s smirk was quickly wiped from her face as she stammered ‘I, uh, okay, sorry.” I shook my head and chuckled before seeing a shadow dash further into the forest from the corner of my eye. I raised my hackles and began to growl. Strider put her back to mine as she tucked the flower into her coat. We...