A Day in the Lab, Prologue Part Four

Cody glanced towards the Sentinel who was already too far away for him to catch up. He then looked back down towards the pups and smiled.
“Have you ever seen a lab before?”
A few puppies began jumping up and down in response, and Cody beamed at them.
“Yes just like you! And just like me! You see, the first lab was made not as long ago as you may believe. It was after much of the forest had been formed. Many Great Trees still stood, and the forest was teeming with life. Small rabbits hopped about while songbirds shared their melodies. Even a few bears roamed the woods. Though, in those days the bears were mostly peaceful and happy creatures. The Great Trees wanted a dog who could help guide the animals of the forest while keeping them from danger.
They created three dogs. the first being the labs. Each was given a specific task. The first was entrusted as peacekeeper to ensure harmony between the animals of the land. The second was asked to watch over the birds and trees making sure the forest remained bright and vibrant. The third was tasked with ensuring safety in the lands of the Great Trees by warding off the Darkness.
    The three labs did their jobs diligently. They uncovered a plot by a group of cats to bring the darkness into the land of the Great Trees. They stopped a bear from trying to climb to the top of one of the Great Trees, but their greatest accomplishment came in the first war.
    The Great Trees lived in harmony, for the most part. They were brothers and sisters and all shared the land with each other. It is said at one point there was no darkness in this land at all, but over time the Trees fought amongst one another and some were lost to the darkness. During the first war, the labs brokered a peace amongst the animals who were fighting for the warring Trees. It ultimately led to peace, though some of the Trees were jealous of the labs so they hatched a plan to get them kicked out of this place.
    These Trees whispered to the labs telling them after all the work they’ve done the labs deserve a break. A vacation. After thinking about it and talking it over with each other the labs agreed and set off to a river.
    The labs loved the water. They loved running in it and jumping through it and swimming all around but eventually, one grew tired and went back to the shore to lay down. Another grew tired and went to a shallower part of the water and rested in the mud. The third grew tired and let himself sink below the surface all the way to the bottom of the river. The river was so deep light could not reach it. Finally, the lab hit the bottom of the river and began walking towards the shore.
    Meanwhile, the plotting Trees convinced a group of cats to go beyond the light and venture into the darkness. The cats were easily tricked and ventured into the darkness, never to be seen from again. When the plotting Trees saw this they told all the other Great Trees who summoned the labs. The labs heard the booming call of the Trees and raced towards the Trees. When they arrived the Trees told them what had happened and the labs looked at around and noticed their coats were no longer white. The lab who laid on the shore had her coat covered in yellow sand and when she finally shook it off her coat was stained. The lab who laid in the mud was still draped in the mud so he tried to shake it off and then rub it off, but his coat was permanently brown. The third lab spent so much time away from the light that his coat forgot about it and it was as dark as the bottom of the river he swam in.
    The labs begged for this to be punishment enough and the labs even told the Great Trees assembled of the plotting Trees and what they had said but it was too late the labs must be sent away and the second war had begun.
    The labs were separated from one another and sent to far corners of the world. Though they would eventually meet again, but that is a story for another time.”  
    Cody made his way into the Oak and began up the spiraling ramp looking for Bailey until a voice called out to him, “You won’t find her” the voice said. Cody turned around to see it was Charles casually strolling up to him. Cody asked what Charles meant and Charles walked right past him and out onto one of the Oaks various branches, “She went to talk to the wolves, no one is coming in or out until their done up there.” Cody made his way to sit next to Charles as they looked out to the great crowd gathered in the clearing, “She wants to banish them you know?” Cody nodded in response, “I had the feeling” Charles continued, “Even with all of you out there she’s afraid if they stay they could taint the Oak and we’d all lose it.” Cody nodded, “That won’t happen.” Charles looked wearily at Cody, “We were told the Dark Sentinel couldn’t come back remember? We were told Sanctuary was safe? That nothing could destroy it as long as the Oak stood and we had the Sentinels? Look what happened. Don’t you think there’s a reason to be cautious?” Cody ignored Charles pleading look and scanned the various dogs in the clearing, “And what of them Charles? What do we do with them?” Charles shrugged, “I don’t know Cody.” Cody turned and began to walk away, “I say we help them. This is the Oak, last of the Great Trees. It won’t fall.” Charles whispered, “All the others did.” and it rang through Cody’s mind as he made his way up the ramp towards the top of the Oak, and towards the meeting.


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