Chapter Five: An Old Friend

I cocked my head to the side again, and at this point I was getting rather tired of doing this, “You weren’t accepted by the Oak?” 
Hojan shook his head, “None of them can even find it. Whenever I try leading them to it they get lost.” 
Thirteen chimed in, “We even tried tying rope around a few of them and they just vanished. Fortunately, everyone we took out knew their way back here. We even tried to get eleven to help us.” I straightened my head and looked at Thirteen who’s long brown hair was falling on either side of her shoulders, “Is that how he lost his hand?” I asked. 
She shook her head, “No, that’s a different story.” 
I shook my head in confusion, “What happened with Eleven? How do you know you aren’t accepted?”
Hojan took a deep breath and glanced at Thirteen who leaned over and patted him on the head. “Eleven and I went to the Oak. I was turned away before being let in. They told me I can gaze upon the glory of the Oak, but until I am redeemed I will not be allowed to stay. Eleven went in and spoke to the wolves who watch every corner of the Oak’s land. They were the ones who explained it. When the Dark Sentinel defeated the dogs, they were tainted with his darkness. In order to be accepted into the Oak they must cleanse themselves of this darkness by redeeming themselves.” 
I nodded my head and asked, “And how would one go about this cleansing?” 
Hojan shot a look at Thirteen who nodded at him, then the Sentinel cast her gaze towards me, “They must bathe in the oasis at the center of the Oasis.”
I nearly fell down, “You must what?!” 
Hojan nodded and opened his mouth to speak, but I did not let him.
“No dog has ever returned from the Scorching Desert, but you want to just walk in with hundreds of dogs?” 
Hojan shook his head, “No, Storm listen we have a plan.” 
The Sentinel walked over to me and knelt down. She looked deep into my eyes and I felt warm. She pulled me close to her, and I felt my hackles droop. I wasn’t even aware they were up until that moment. I took a deep breath, “What’s your plan?”
“I’ve been to the edge of the Scorching Desert and I know there are other groups of dogs there. I’ve talked to other creatures, the scorpions and snakes and they say there is a war raging in the desert for control. The Lion has grown old and weak after the defeat of the Dark Sentinel and the dogs who have been trapped there have begun to rise up against him!” I shook my head, “And why would you trust those creatures?” Hojan took a deep breath, “I’ve seen the fighting. The hyenas and the dogs and the lions. It is chaos there Storm and if we get enough dogs and other creatures to help us we can do more than march in and redeem ourselves we can bathe every creature in the Oasis, we can completely rid this place of the Darkness, once and for all. We can return the Oak to the days of glory. Just like the stories Storm, you remember those don’t you?”
I glanced off to the side, fixing my eyes on the strange light which shown from the moss placed at the corner of the ceiling, “Eleven said the darkness was destroyed, that as long as Sanctuary was sealed he couldn’t escape and we would be ok.” Thirteen nodded, “He’s not wrong. While the Dark Sentinel and the darkness he carries with him is defeated the place the darkness comes from is still very much alive and well. But if we drive the Lion from his place we will be one step closer to defeating it, finally and completely.” I shook my head, “Always one step closer to the finish but the line is never in sight is it?”
Hojan shook his head, “Did you read all of the Sentinel’s notes Storm?” I nodded, “Yes , why?”
Hojan gave a slight nod before looking off into the distance, or at the wall, “Because you know that I fled when I saw him. When we got to the Elm I fled and left Thomas there.” I nodded my head, “Yes I remember Kalani’s account of the great race.” Hojan looked at me with nothing but pure desperation in his eyes, “Storm I saw him. I saw Thomas in the desert. I must save him. I have to save him.”
“How exactly do you plan on doing this? Mustering an army composed of all these different creatures, marching into the Scorching Desert and driving out the Lion?” I asked, Hojan smiled, “Well that’s where you come in.” I rolled my eyes, “Oh good, so you already gave me a role to play in this?” Hojan nodded excitedly, “The Sentinel told me he had sent you to find and help me when I approached him about helping us.” I shook my head, “What do you want me to do?” “I want you to be our representative in the Scorching Desert and begin to see what is going on and then report back here to us.” Hojan said. I nodded my head and responded, “I will, but there is something that I need help with.” Hojan was already at the door with the Sentinel, “Follow us” he said, “We heard about the trouble your fox is in. We’ll help save him then the two of you can set off towards the Scorching Desert.”
         I followed the both of them as they led me back the same way I came, “Oh? And I suppose you have a plan for that as well?” Hojan turned and chuckled, “Well Storm! Of course I do.” He winked as we continued down the road.
         At one point I saw Bailey running up from the road, “Sentinel! Sentinel! The scouting party has returned with news from the Desert! They want to see you immediately.” The Sentinel turned to pat Hojan and myself goodbye then began briskly walking in the direction Bailey came from with Bailey hot on the Sentinel’s tail nearly nipping at her pant legs as the Sentinel walked. I raised an ear at this and turned to Hojan who had already started back down the road, “What was that about?” Hojan peered over his shoulder and said, “All the scouts report to the Sentinel and she keeps track of all the records. She was trained by Eleven so she has experience in it.” I nodded my head, “Right but it seemed urgent didn’t it?” Hojan shrugged his shoulders, “If it’s urgent I imagine we’d hear about it sooner rather than later. No matter now, Thirteen has every capability to handle whatever the scouts have to report.” I thought about what the scouts could be reporting, was the civil war over alreadyHojan stood next to a Sentinel I did not recognize, but who must have been Thirteen. Again, he said, “You’re late, Storm.” 
I stepped forward and into the moss lit room, “What’s going on here?” I confidently asked. 
Thirteen rolled her eyes and leaned her back against a wall. She crossed her arms and one leg over the other as she did so, “Well what do you think is going on? Everyone here was lost to the darkness. We aren’t welcomed to the Oak until we’re redeemed.” 
? Was our opportunity lost?
         “We’re here.” Hojan’s voice broke the silence as I almost bumped into the back of him, “You alright Storm? Seem a little lost.” I nodded my head, “Yea, I’m fine. Just thinking about how we’re going to get Atrix back is all.” Hojan seemingly thought this answer was sufficient as he crawled through a doggy door into a small room that must have been no larger than fifteen feet by twenty feet. In the moss lit room sat just two other dogs. A large mastiff with a typically droopy face thumped her nub of a tail against the hard wooden floor as she introduced herself, “I’m Dagney!” her ears perked up and for a moment there were one or two fewer wrinkles in her young face. Next to her sat a mid-aged black lab he opened his mouth slightly so it would give the appearance of a smile and even while sitting he did not wag just his tail but his entire body would wind back and forth, “That would be Buddy.” Hojan said nodding towards the lab. “Is it just us?” I asked. Hojan nodded, “Well just you three to be exact. This is all we can spare for now. Good luck Storm.” I thanked him and turned towards Hojan, “What about Frodo and Santana could they join us?” Hojan turned to face me and said, “I’ll see what I can do but no promises.” I nodded again and Hojan left. I turned back to Buddy and Dagney, “So here’s the plan.”


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