Prologue Part Five - A corgi, a husky, and malamute walk through a forest

Cody arrived at the top of the ramp to see thick branches covering the entrance to the top of the Oak. He heard hushed voices whispering and strained to hear what they were saying, “We know you’re there” a voice called out and the branches parted. A wolf and Bailey were both staring at Cody, the other wolves were still on the edges of the Oak, watching every corner of the land.

Cody walked in and bowed his head before the wolf. The wolf came and greeted Cody before turning back to the conversation,
“What would you have us do?” The wolf asked Bailey.
Bailey walked over to the edge of the Oak, overlooking the clearing, “We have to drive them out.”    
Cody shook his head, “We can’t do that.”
The wolf turned his attention to Cody, “And why would that be?” He asked whilst narrowing his eyes.
Cody met the wolfs stare with a defiant look of his own, “It’s not the way of the Oak.”
Bailey scoffed, “We aren’t at Sanctuary anymore and it’s not like we have a way to let them in.”
Cody turned his head to look at Bailey who still had her back facing him, “What would we become?”
Bailey spun around, “We’d be alive!” she growled, “Isn’t that enough?”
Cody’s hackles began to rise and the two dogs began to slowly walk towards each other when the wolf stopped them. He casually walked in between them, his body was so big they couldn’t even see around him, “Have either of you heard the story of the corgi, the husky, and the malamute?” The wolf looked at both Bailey and Cody, both of which had blank expressions on their face. “I didn’t think so” the wolf continued and began walking towards the edge where Bailey once sat.
    Bailey gave a harsh look towards Cody and Cody returned the look. They went and sat on either side of the wolf. Out of the corner of his eye, he swore he saw Rad and Coco talking at the corner of the clearing, and then saw Coco make her way in the direction of the Plains of Rot, strange he thought to himself.
    The wolf nudged him, to get his attention and said, “It was after the great war. Many of the old trees were lost. Much of this place ravaged by magic and fire. To what end? No one really knows. The rest of the cats were cast out of the remaining trees and many of the birds were forced out of the lands. Some breeds of dog were forced into the darkness, many of which we have never seen again. The Eternal Desert was created and the most vile of creatures were put there. It’s said the Lion himself reigns over that place. It was in the wake of all of this the trees created three dogs, all had the same size and all were made of clay. They were made to bring peace to the lands of the old trees. Bring peace however they saw fit.
    The first dog would threaten the creatures of the forest and if anyone should act up he would pounce on them for he believed the only way to keep the peace was through physical intimidation. Because of this, he grew strong and it’s said he began to grow a thick coat to cover his cold heart.  At one point he forced an entire family of foxes into the darkness. Once the old trees heard of this they threatened to throw him into the darkness but eventually relented and exiled him into the human lands instead. He became what the humans call a “husky”.
    The second dog was made just a little bit larger than the others and because of this many animals were scared of him. He used this to his advantage he would show off his strength by hauling dead trees or pushing boulders. He became larger and stronger and became so obsessed with becoming stronger he didn’t see a pup wander into the river and be washed away. When the trees heard of this they covered him with a thick coat so he may hide his shame and sent him to the human lands. The humans call him a “Malamute”.
    The third dog was completely normal. Every day she would wander the land and check on every creature in the forest to make sure they were ok. All the creatures of the forest loved her. One day as she was walking through and checking on all the creatures she spotted a tree falling nearby, just under it was a rabbit. She dashed towards the tree and knocked the rabbit away just before the tree hit them. While the rabbit was saved the dog was crushed by the tree. The nearby animals rushed to roll the tree off and help the dog. When the tree was rolled off the dog was shorter, much shorter, and longer. The dog went back to the old trees in shame, but they only offered praise. They gave this dog a thick coat and gave her the choice to stay in this land or leave to the human lands. She bid a farewell to all the creatures in the forest before deciding to leave. The trees placed her on an island called, “Ong Land” her people call her a “corgi”. When her final days came she was welcomed back to the old trees with open arms.
    Each of the dogs kept the forest safe, for a time, but it was the dog willing to sacrifice everything she had for the sake of the other creatures that were praised and rewarded.” The wolf finished the stories and looked towards the other two dogs. Cody had a contemplative look on his face while Bailey was clearly upset. She quickly turned and stormed down the ramp. Cody looked after her, “There is a great deal of risk helping them you know?” The wolf said from behind Cody. Cody nodded, “Those who risk for the good of others are heroes of the Oak indeed” he whispered. The wolf nodded and whispered back, “We need those heroes more than ever now.”


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