Come join the dogs of Sanctuary as they explore the place beyond the shed.
The Land of the Oak
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Sentinel Eleven dedicated his entire life to the dogs of Sanctuary, ultimately giving his life to the Oak. Above is listed his depiction of the Land of the Oak.
I stood shocked, ‘What? That doesn’t make any sense, how could I be your enemy?’ Bailey looked down at the ground, ‘He said you didn’t listen to the plan and led the group straight into a trap. He said only himself and Bonnie were able to avoid being captured. He said because of you Bonnie had sacrifice herself so the rest of you could live and he said you did it because the Oak told you too.’ I took a step back as Bailey’s eyes began to well. She looked up at me, ‘Bonne told me stories of you. Of the dogs of the Oak as well. Is he right, did you really do this?’ I shook my head, ‘No, of course not Bailey. He’s lying.’ Bailey looked up, ‘Why would he do that?’ I glanced behind us to make sure no one was watching and couldn’t see anyone. ‘I don’t know but we’ll find out.’ I looked down at Atrix who went to nuzzle Bailey, he whispered in a calm voice, ‘It’s ok Bailey.’ I heard her whisper, ‘I want to come with you.’ I stepped toward her, ‘Bailey ...
We said goodbye to our friends and walked toward the sounds of crashing waves. The Darkness felt like a veil, and as soon as we crossed through it, we were lost. We couldn’t see anything, and if it wasn’t for the fact that we were standing shoulder to shoulder we wouldn’t even know the others were there. I turned to look behind me to see that I couldn’t even tell where the veil was—it was all dark. The sound of the water against the shore was nearly deafening. We awkwardly walked forward. Each dog carefully placing one paw and then feeling the ground to make sure it was safe before moving the other paw. We did this one at a time, with Atrix on my back. It was very slow moving. We tried moving away from the sound of the water, but it didn’t matter if we went left or right, the sound of the water grew louder, as if we were walking on a bridge, zig zagging from one side to the other in a vain attempt to escape the water that surrounded us on either...
I cocked my head to the side again, and at this point I was getting rather tired of doing this, “You weren’t accepted by the Oak?” Hojan shook his head, “None of them can even find it. Whenever I try leading them to it they get lost.” Thirteen chimed in, “We even tried tying rope around a few of them and they just vanished. Fortunately, everyone we took out knew their way back here. We even tried to get eleven to help us.” I straightened my head and looked at Thirteen who’s long brown hair was falling on either side of her shoulders, “Is that how he lost his hand?” I asked. She shook her head, “No, that’s a different story.” I shook my head in confusion, “What happened with Eleven? How do you know you aren’t accepted?” Hojan took a deep breath and glanced at Thirteen who leaned over and patted him on the head. “Eleven and I went to the Oak. I was turned away before being let in. They told me I can gaze upon the glory of the Oak, but until I am redeemed...
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